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Saturday, October 12, 2013

Divas, Divas, Divas and some Beefcake

Hello all my wonderful readers.  It is a beautiful day.  I get a wonderful view of the surrounding mountains and I have my morning screwdriver so it’s time to cuss and discuss. 

Diva is a word like so many that gets used way too much.  I just read an editorial article on the subject at http://edition.cnn.com/2013/10/10/opinion/granderson-diva-kanye-miley/index.html?hpt=us_mid. I have to agree with this gentlemen.  Why is the word Diva applied to such people as Kim Kardashian, Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift and so on and so forth?  Before you answer, I suggest you read the article.  I agree with the writer that true divas are only those that are so talented and rare that you put up with their personalities.
I believe we got away from the true form of Diva by two methods.  Like all things, mankind has to put everything in a category or box.  We can’t just say Diva and leave it at that.  I remember when I was kid there were Rock Divas and then later on Pop Divas.  We also just started equating some bad behaviors like demanding, bitchy, ungrateful etc… as Diva behavior.  We would tell people “Don’t be a Diva.” or “She’s a Diva.” because the person had those personality flaws.  When we should have been saying, “She thinks she’s a Diva” or “Don’t think you are a Diva.” or “Don’t be (whatever personality flaw they are showing)” 
The truest definition before we Americans got a hold of it and twisted it to fit what we wanted was a famous female lead singer of an opera.  We have sense added a second definition as a famous and successful woman who is very attractive and fashionable; especially : an attractive and successful female performer or celebrity. The second definition is what incorporates such low or no talent as the Kardashians, Real Housewife or wherever, R&B one hit wonders, Sports Players’ wives and so on and so forth.
We all know that I am a Reality Show fan, but this writer is correct.  They are far removed from Divas.  I know another word that is similar to Diva which is Prima Donna.  I suggest we allow Diva to mean a female performer that possesses rare and extraordinary talent and we have Prima Donna keep its second definition of a vain or undisciplined person who finds it difficult to work under direction or as part of a team. 

Wow that ended up longer than I expected….LOL
This brings me to Congress…You like the segue.  I am also going to include all the Facebook postings about this crap.  First has the world come to an end.  Did the United States stop functioning and now we are a different country?  Has your way of life changed?  Then we should learn not to buy into their terrorist politics about scaring the people into swaying opinion in their way so they can get more popular vote.
Yes, I agree Congress should not have shutdown the government.  It was an irresponsible thing for them to do.  If any of us behaved in such a behavior at our jobs, we would be fired.  If a business acted as they did, it would be closed.  It is as simple as that.  However, when election time comes around, we will put these same idiots in office.  So who do we blame?  An old saying says “Fool me once.  Shame on you.  Fool me twice.  Shame on me.”  We re-elect them because we believe in them.  For instance, John Boehner in no way represents me and I would never vote for the jerk, but he apparently is liked by his constituents because they re-elect him.
I don’t believe these people care what they are doing to the government.  If you don’t like a policy, you debate over that policy.  It isn’t time to debate over that policy when you could cause irreparable damage to your country.  You are not only threatening the economy by holding the government hostage because you don’t like a particular bill and in this case it is the Health Care Reform Act.  You are also making the US the laughingstock of the world and damaging our reputation just like they did when they tried to impeach President Clinton.  All they care about is that get what they want at any cost.
They need to come to an agreement over the budget and debt ceiling.  Get the government back functioning and then they can move on to debating different key points in the legislation they don’t like.  They can also debate on new legislation.
Now for those of you who don’t like the Health Care Reform Act.  I agree it isn’t the best in the world.  There are also some major things in it that need to change.  However, we need nationwide health care.  There is no way that any of our citizens should go without health care.  It is embarrassing and shameful that we have let it go this long. 
 I have many friends and family that work in the health care profession.  Some make really good make really good money at their profession.  They can also tell you that a lot of the expenses are over inflated because of those without health care insurance seeking treatment.  This in great part is due to the true villains in Health Care Reform.  This would be Insurance and Pharmaceutical companies.  They don’t want health care reform because it hits their bottom line very hard.
A lot of people buy into the politics around the above issues.  For example the viral postings of Congress shall not pass any law that doesn’t apply to them but applies to the American citizens.  This is not a law.  People have been posting this as a factual law on all over the place.  It is a proposed amendment to the constitution by a grassroots campaign.  It is a reaction to the idea that Congress doesn’t have to go by the Health Care Choices because the government has a really good health insurance program probably because the insurance companies give them a great deal for keeping them unregulated.  Can someone say kickback?  However, I have health insurance through my employer and I don’t have to go through the Health Care Reform Act to get my insurance unless I think I can get better coverage.  Does this make me a bad guy?
The other portions of the issue that brought around the Proposed 28th Amendment is the idea members could retire with the same pay after only one term, that they didn't pay into Social Security, that they specifically exempted themselves from many of the laws they have passed (such as being exempt from any fear of prosecution for sexual harassment) while ordinary citizens must live under those laws.  I laugh at the sexual harassment statement because that is an outright lie just to infuriate the public.  How many congressmen, judges and president have we held accountable for their sexual actions and harassment?  Are you kidding me with this crap? 
 Everyone pays into Social Security.  They also pay into Federal Employees Retirement Program at a higher rate than most federal employees. Their retirement benefits depends on their age, years of service and plan coverage, which reminds me of most retirement packages I have seen from large companies.
 Now again, I don’t believe the Health Care Reform Act is completely finished.  I believe it has kinks to work out, but it is better than nothing.  I also do believe maybe a new Amendment is needed that directly affects the way Capitol Hill does business.  My personal belief is that the new Amendment should address outlawing Lobbyists all together, but I digress.  I also believe that Congress needs a swift kick in the ass.  I may hold Republicans; especially the Tea Party and Evangelical Republicans responsible for this mess, but the Democrats at times can be unreasonable as well.  It is all about compromise and what is good for the public as a “whole” which is the key word to all of this crap.

That was heavy and deep….I need another drink.  How about some fluff now? 
 I was amazed when people were posting that they had gotten Cher tickets.  I thought maybe they were all of sudden getting memorabilia because something had happened to Cher.  I looked it up and low and behold she’s on tour. That’s amazing and I am happy for everyone who is going to see her.  I saw her 1991 and the show was amazing.
However, I am concerned for my Cher.  She may look 40 something but she’s 67 and I don’t want anything to happen to her.  I hope she’s taking proper precautions.  I mean she spent an awful a lot of money on that face and body to damage it doing a tour.  Everyone as you are enjoying her show which I know you will, please watch out for our national treasure and make sure she doesn’t bust a hip or throw a heel.  I’m not quite sure which would be worse.
To round out the blog, here is today's beefcake pics are a few of the men from “Lost” one of my favorite shows.

Until next time, May all your drinks be mixed well and heavily poured.

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